The Air We Breathe

Das Thema Luft und seine Tiefe - oder ist es die Weite? Das stetige Ein- und Ausatmen, welches sich von Mal zu Mal unterscheidet. Von polaren Gegensätzen und ihrem Zusammenhang. Eine Reise nach Innen, wo das Aussen erst zu beginnen scheint. Unsichtbares, Raum einnehmendes, allgegenwärtig Unbewusstes.

Research Trailer: Anik Auer, Benjamin Lindh-Medin, Vanessa Wüst (Tanz) Benjamin Pogonatos (Musik) Noemi Hunkeler (Bühnenbild), Damian Popp (Regie) Kurzstück “eins” Tanz & Choreografie: Sheila Lindauer | Musik: Benjamin Pogonatos Open Research Video “zwei” Leitung: Sheila Runa Lindauer | Musik: Martial Binggeli/MAVAREL | Tanz: Neil Höhener, Sheila Runa Lindauer | Kamera und Schnitt: Elias Hauschild, Andi Hofmann, Yasser John Hosseini/Die Mühle
Dreiteiliger Abend: Anik Auer, Kristina Wirth, Vanessa Wüst, Sheila Lindauer (Tanz) Benjamin Pogonatos (Musik) Fotocredits: Damian Popp, Maria Cheilpoulou, Die Mühle


Short Piece “The Air We Breathe - EINS”


But very much here and there


But i dont see the Line of turning

Each imperceptile In and Out is different

I felt Boundless

without a Ground

To live in between the Inside and the Outside

and all boarders disappeared, loosed their form and disappeared

"The Air We Breathe - EINS"

Is a performance for dance, breath and sound

Music: Benjamin Pogonatos

Choreografie & Tanz: Sheila Lindauer

Being aware of the theme, i started to research body movements which express this thoughts. Breathing out as long as possible for example and analysing what it does with my body and mind.

Connecting movements to breath. Processing what I have found into a choreography with structured improvisational parts. The absurdity of being - So much is invisible in everyday life, most of our existence is invisible to the eye. An important theme that came across the process where polar opposites. I created a round floor because i had the necessity to put boarders and added the work with the foils to be able to feel touch and sound in my process.